Friday, December 18, 2009

Wecome, Imaginary Friends!

Hello everyone,

This blog is dedicated to my thoughts on the federal broadband stimulus effort that simply don't fit the cozy confines of Twitter. As TV's Craig Ferguson recently said, "if you can express your thoughts in 140 characters, you don't think that much," or something to that effect. So true. Twitter seemed the ideal vehicle for organizing street protests in Iran, but when it comes to a full analysis of the federal government's dispersal of $7 Billion and change, an extra word or two might be in order.

On to the disclaimers: 1) The views expressed here are my own, and not those of any employer, client, associates, or any other person or organization (if you were to bother figuring all that out - which wouldn't necessarily be difficult, but really, aren't there better uses of your time?) 2) The views expressed herein are not intended to be definitive academic works, and while I will make some effort to verify things I seem to remember, or have heard as rumors, cite me at your peril. 3) I enjoy expressing off-the-wall ideas from time to time. Sometimes I refine, tone down, or outright flip-flop on issues as I think more about them and discuss them with colleagues, or with myself. I enjoy these views being challenged - I think starting an interesting discussion where creative ideas are expressed is more useful than being right. Being right is only important when you have to make a decision with consequences.

With those things in mind, I hope you enjoy my scribblings. All three of you (one can dream, can't one?)